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Media owner and publisher:

MAGA Consulting e. U.
Jakob Grünwaldgasse 11/6
A-2232 Deutsch Wagram


Commercial register number: 464028 w

VAT number: ATU 71844506

Managing directors

Mag. Markus GASSNER

Field of activity:

MAGA-Consulting offers advice, project and interim management as well as training in the field of general economic advice as well as change management, reorganization and restructuring for branch operations with a focus on retail and service companies.

Liability Committee:

MAGA Consulting assumes no liability for the content of this website. This information can be changed, removed or supplemented immediately and without prior notice. MAGA-Consulting assumes neither guarantee nor liability for the completeness, up-to-dateness and correctness of this information. If we become aware of errors or mistakes, we will correct them as soon as possible. Some documents on the website contain references to information from other organizations or companies whose websites can be reached via links. MAGA-Consulting regards it as a service to make these pages accessible to visitors to the MAGA-Consulting website for reasons of information. MAGA-Consulting assumes no liability for the content, relevance, up-to-dateness or correctness of this information.
MAGA-Consulting advises users that they use this website at their own risk. The details are:

  • Information of a general nature that is not tailored to the special needs of certain people or institutions

  • not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate, or current

  • sometimes linked to external websites, over whose content MAGA-Consulting has no influence and for which MAGA-Consulting assumes no responsibility

  • no professional or legal advice (if you need special advice, you should always seek advice from an expert or expert, at least someone who is familiar with the specific situation).

MAGA-Consulting endeavors to keep disruptions due to technical problems as low as possible, but does not assume any guarantee or liability in connection with the use, usability or non-usability of the website or its technical equipment, correctness, completeness, legality, usability or faithful representation of the stored data; this also applies to transmission and transmission errors. This disclaimer includes all liability for slight negligence, for claims arising from business interruption damage, data and / or information loss, failure of data processing equipment, software damage, lost profit, lost savings, loss of interest, consequential damage and financial damage. The reversal of the burden of proof for gross negligence is excluded. MAGA-Consulting assumes no liability for damage that arises from incorrect or out-of-date information on the MAGA-Consulting website or from actions that were carried out in reliance on the correctness of this information.

The website is operated without any assurance that it will be available at any time. However, MAGA-Consulting endeavors to make the website available continuously, with the exception of the usual maintenance times. Liability for system-related downtimes and / or maintenance times are excluded.

Personal data protection

MAGA-Consulting respects the privacy of its users. All information is treated confidentially in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. Data will not be passed to third parties.

MAGA-Consulting only collects personal data insofar as it is necessary for a specific purpose. The information will not be used for an incompatible purpose. 

Authority according to ECG:

District administration Gänserndorf

Company court:

Korneuburg Regional Court

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